meet the riccis

8-Figure Entrepreneurs and Business Strategists

Meet Madeline and David Ricci, a dynamic entrepreneurial duo with an extraordinary track record in scaling, growing, and diversifying businesses.

Picture this: three start-ups launched from ground zero, soaring to an impressive $50 million in revenue.

What's truly remarkable? They hit the eight-figure mark in just 12 years, all without relying on traditional marketing strategies.

Madeline and David are not just entrepreneurs; they're lifelong learners and pioneers in their field.

Their investment in personal development exceeds $200,000 over the past five years, highlighting a dedication to staying at the forefront of their industry. Certified as a Master Coach as well as a Practitioner in NLP, Timeline Therapy, and Hypnotherapy, 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, and a 23-year marriage, they embody resilience and adaptability, consistently achieving a 10-15% annual increase in performance.

Ready to embark on a journey of growth?

As founders of the "Trustedpreneur Way," Madeline and David offer a proven methodology guiding businesses from plateaus to long-term prosperity.

Leveraging their extensive experience and certifications, the Ricci’s empower 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs to navigate setbacks and achieve unprecedented success in their businesses. Madeline and David Ricci are your trusted partners, bringing passion, expertise, and a proven track record to elevate your business to new heights.

After decades working together to build multi-7- + 8- figure businesses we have discovered one, consistent truth:

“Your biggest opportunities are always disguised as your biggest obstacles.”

This isn’t to say that you should buckle up for a lifetime of business setbacks, though they are real and happen more than we would like. It simply means that the way you approach obstacles in your business, large or small, will ultimately determine your level of success. Let us let you in on something, most people are missing at least 1 of the 3 keys approaches that make your business work long term.

Our Story


Through the lens of TRUST, every setback becomes a testament to resilience, innovation, and a commitment to empowering entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

Welcome to the era of Trustedpreneurs!

We believe that entrepreneurs make the world better.

Their ingenuity fills a need and their curiosity creates novel solutions. Simply put, the world needs more of you.

BUT it has to work. and more than just work, it has to THRIVE.